Everything You Missed From Future Cloud at Accountex!

Personal Branding, success and being authentic online!

On Wednesday 15th May, a few of us from the Future Cloud team travelled to ExCel London for Day 1 of Accountex! It was great to see all of the vendors and speakers, as Francesca prepared for her 3 talks of the day!

14:00 – 14:40

Francesca’s first talk was held on the Branding stage, where she discussed personal branding and launched her new business! Personal branding is quickly becoming more popular than branding on business accounts, and this may all be down to getting to know the faces behind brands! As Francesca stipulated, ‘people buy from people’ and this is why being yourself online can generate business and relationships.

‘What are your personality quirks and how do they benefit you in business?’

One of Francesca’s quirks was working with hundreds of tabs open; literally and metaphorically! After lots of audience members agreed, she explained that whilst some view this quirk as a negative, it is helpful in business! It means she can organise her work and get everything done in a working day! Other quirks involved overthinking her reactions to situations – which has made her a more empathetic person in business when dealing with employees and clients. Your quirks make you unique and personable, and this is why it is so important to showcase this online.

Francesca opened the floor to questions and was asked how to make a start posting online.

‘Start small. Share details about your week and you will be surprised how many can relate.’

An example of making connections was on the platform LinkedIn, where Francesca has accumulated over 55,000 followers just from being herself online and posting relatable content about life, business, and fitness. This led to the launch of Quirq, her new business, where she endeavours to help others build their social media platforms by showcasing their personalities!

16:00 – 16:40

The second talk of the day was all about achieving and defining success, where Francesca was joined on a panel by the amazing Rachel Harris and Stuart Hurst, presented by Sam Mitcham. This was the most popular talk we attended, with only standing room left around the stage with 15 minutes to go! Francesca described how success to her means helping others.

‘The journey is real.’

LinkedIn bios were mentioned too, and Francesca discussed how she feels her journey in business and fitness makes her feel fulfilled, and she wants to inspire others to develop themselves too.

17:00 – 17:40

At this point, social batteries and camera batteries were getting lower – but we made it to the last talk!

This was a panel, again with Francesca, Rachel Harris and Stuart Hurst, hosted by Phil Hobden. This talk was all about being authentic online and how this can lead to revenue and growth. The speakers all agreed that from posting about their hobbies and passions online, they have forged relationships with people online. This emphasised the importance of being yourself online and using content and posts to speak to your audience on a down-to-earth level.

We would like to say a massive thank you to all the organisers of Accountex, and to all the people who came over to watch Francesca’s talks! We hope to see you all next year!

Special thanks to:

Accountex London – https://www.accountex.co.uk/london/
Francesca – https://www.linkedin.com/in/francesca-fmaat841237891/
Sam Mitcham – https://www.linkedin.com/in/samantha-mitcham/
Rachel Harris – https://www.linkedin.com/in/rachel-harris-a3192372/
Stuart Hurst – https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuart-hurst-cloud/
Phil Hobden – https://www.linkedin.com/in/philhobden/

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